Dear Azu, on your first birthday

Oh what a wonderful year it has been, Alhamdullilah. The most perfect one completing our family of four with your arrival. Has it really been a year since you; so little, were welcomed into our lives. You have come bringing with you so much love, joy and happiness. And only multiply it as each day passes by.

With all the milestones you’ve achieved during your first year, all the little scares and the strides you’ve made, it only makes sense to go down memory lane and look back at how you’ve grown. Growing from a little baby into a tiny person packed with energy and a magnetic personality.

So, let’s go all the way back and start from when you were the most tiny ever

1 month old:

One month with you and what a one-derful month it has truly been.
You were in a rush to come into our lives and complete our #family, but I am so glad how things have worked out. It was a rough start for you; your first week being tied to cables and beeping machines, being fed through tubes and having your tongue tie corrected, but you have been brave, coming out stronger on the other side. Now at home, you are putting on the weight you need and starting to outgrow your first set of onesies. It’s #bittersweet wanting to see you grow, but also knowing you will never be this little anymore. Your milk drunk smiles are the absolute cutest. The way you hold on to your big sister’s finger and look at her with your light brown eyes, melts my heart.
The first month has gone by so quickly, but then you know how #timeflies when we don’t sleep.

2 months old:

Got some two-reffic news to share here! Little Azu is 2 months old!
You’ve pretty much gotten used to all the familiar faces of our family, and the music we play in the car. You seem to fight nap times which has been tough, specially when trying to manage your big sister’s school routine, however you do enjoy sleeping snuggly in the #babycarrier that mummy wears. The three hourly feed alarms at night have been turned off while you continue to #EBF on demand. You are sleeping for longer stretches after kissing you #goodnight and so are we! Hurray! You’ve been exploring #dubai a lot more, visiting @lamerdubai beach, a few malls and hyper markets for our weekly shopping, but there is still so much more for you to see and discover, my love.

3 months old:

Little Azu has turned 3 months old ! The new born phase is over and so is the fourth trimester stage. You are all grown up. You are a curious little one, now staying awake for longer and following our gaze. You give the most adorable toothless grins and heart warming coos. You are holding your head so well all by yourself, and as much as we are encouraging some tummy time, you are not too keen. You do however seem to be eager to wanting to stand on your tippy toes. What’s up with that? You’ve started wearing big boy T-shirts and shorts. You love bath times. And I think , maybe just maybe, you’ve figured out some fake crying too, to get some extra attention. Happy 3 months baby boy!!

4 months old:

Hey-ho, look who has just turned 4!
Your giggles and squeals are just so adorable. You love playing peek-a-boo with us, and being surrounded by your toys on the colourful animal play mat. We love listening to your baby babble and you can go on ‘talking’ until you are tired. Your legs are getting strong and you are able to pull them up. Bath time is still your favourite and so is people-watching at the malls. Your daily routine isn’t exactly in place yet, but you never forget to wake up at 6 in the morning, ready to give your sister and daddy a smile before they leave home for school and work.
Happy 4 months little man!

5 months old:

The post has arrived, to tell you this guy has just turned 5!
Still no tooth peeking through your gums, but weirdly you seem to love sucking on your right arm. You definitely know how to call for attention when we leave you lying in your cot or pram. You’ve got strong legs and prefer standing with support, and also smiling back at anyone who approaches you. You have started giggling whole heartedly, specially when your sister plays with you and when playing with your reflection in the mirror. You are still practising at turning front to back, but can very well wiggle round and round on mummy-papa’s bed. Your grip is getting better and love holding toys in your hands, which soon end up in your mouth. You haven’t started food yet, but have tasted the soft part of a pretzel, croissant and naan bread. And very much liked it. Happy 5 months little dude!

6 months old:

Half way to 1 year! Look who has just turned 6 months old!
No longer the quiet sleeping baby, you very much prefer observing and knowing what your family around is upto. Oh, and giggling You now hang around with daddy in the #babycarrier when we go to malls and love it. Both of you. You have started playing with your toys by yourself whenever left surrounded by them in your cot. Every morning we find you in the opposite direction to how we left you sleeping. You had your first car ride with mummy in mummy’s car and didn’t particularly enjoy it. No sign of tooth yet and you don’t seem to be dribbling too much. You had your first #staycation this month to Al Ain, your first Christmas party and your first NYE celebration. Which you slept through. You haven’t properly started on foods yet, but have tasted whipping cream, yoghurt and a few curry dishes. I wonder if you are going to be a foodie baby. Well next month we find out, right?

7 months old:

This boy has just turned 7 months old! How fast does time go by?
This month you have tried baby food- baby rice cereal and purées such as sweet potato, apple and banana, however you much prefer eating what mum-dad are having. You join us at meal times, and also when mummy’s cooking meals in the kitchen by sitting in your high chair, that used to be your sister’s . You enjoy drinking water a lot, even if it’s in our big glass. You have learnt to get attention by giving out mini screams. You get so excited when you see your big sister return back from school. You are an excellent raspberry blower and very good at grabbing things and putting them in your mouth. Things such as the silicon teether, your own feet and your most favourite ‘toy’: mummy’s phone! #MashAllah, you’ve got such beautiful soft hair and a very au-natural spiky look. You love seeing yourself in the mirror and give yourself the cutest toothless smile.

8 months old:

Hurray! You are 8 months old! The biggest news of the month has to be that you got your first tooth. And with it you’ve become quiet the muncher. You love munching on baby biscuits, veggies, toast and pasta. You have started enjoying the puréed food mummy makes, and already tasted chicken. You know how to move from a sleeping position to a sitting position all by yourself, making nappy changing a big struggle. You roll all around the bed by yourself and are almost showing signs of crawling when trying your best to reach for something. You love to babble and give out shrieking giggles. This month you made your first visit to a theme park (Motion gate- Dubai Parks and Resorts), even though you didn’t sit on any rides; and played in sand on the beach for the first time. You wave your arms up and down when you notice one of your family member’s approaching. You give back the cutest smiles to strangers who smile at you. Have you seen it?

9 months old:

You, my little sunshine, just turned 9! This month you have made huge achievements . You now have a second tooth and along with the usual puréed food, you enjoy using your pincer grasp to feed yourself bite sized finger foods placed on your high chair tray. Daddy has moved down the level of your cot, and from there you enjoy throwing toys out at us, or standing up while you hold the railings. You can crawl!! There is no stopping you from exploring all of your sister’s toys now. You can scream for attention and put your arms up to be held. And the final thing you have learned, which you can’t stop showing off, is that you can clap.

10 months old:

We are in the double digits- you’ve turned 10 months old!
From two teeth last month, you now have four more, meaning you have a complete set of 6 pearly white teeth filling up your smile. Know what else you’ve had a lot of this month – bumps and falls. None serious ofcourse. Despite keeping a close eye on you, you’ve fallen so many times this month, trying to find your balance and fearlessly exploring new ways to reach and grab onto things. You’ve learnt to say ‘baba’, which daddy thinks is you calling out to him, but really you’re calling everyone ‘baba’. It has been your first Ramadan, joining us at iftar time and luckily sleeping through fajr prayers. Puréed food no longer interest you, and you’d much rather eat what’s on our plate. You love to throw things, laugh when we play peekaboo and greet us with one raised arm when you wake up from your nap.

11 months old:

You are 11 months old now, baby boy!
You are turning into a little person now, complete with likes and interests. You are not afraid to climb on the sofa by yourself, or get down the bed by scooting your bottom forward. You can’t be left alone in your high chair, because you have figured out how to stand up. You love to head bump, give sloppy pretend kisses on the cheeks, turn around 360 degrees while sitting, and pick the tiniest things off the floor. You have been able to stand by yourself, with no support, even if just for a few seconds. This makes us wonder whether you will learn to walk soon. You have tasted lemon and didn’t really mind it. You eat everything with us, from scrambled eggs to chicken. You refuse to wear your trousers or shorts on some days, and putting your nappy on is an all-time struggle. You love bath time and pretend to cry when I take you out. You move your little fingers to swipe on the phone screen. You love playing with your sister, you know how to move cars and love to play ball. However, your most favourite thing right now is holding our hands and walking, or stomping, around the house.

12 months old:

My baby boy!
You have completed 12 months, a whole year of being part of our lives.
You have got one more tooth, 7 in total now, another hair cut and learnt a few more gibberish words. Words you seem to string together as if speaking in sentences and making sense. You’ve tried mango and absolutely love it. You love standing on your ride on and still refuse to sit for long in your high chair. However, the best update this month has to be that you have learned walking on your two little feet. There is no stopping you now as you carefully take steps one by one, moving from one room to the next around the house. Your energy is unmatchable and your laughter infectious. You love your sister to bits and want to see her the minute you wake up. Happy Birthday little boy. May Allah grant you the best of health, many years ahead and lots of happiness in your life.

MashAllah, watching your journey has filled us with so much happiness and pride. Seeing you bond with your sister has been the most precious thing, and I am sure this bond will only get stronger. And so, as you turn one year old, we wish you excellent health, lots of blessings and ofcourse wish you have many more such birthdays.

Happy Birthday!

Thank you for enjoying my post. I have written similar letters to my daughter, on her second, third and fourth birthday, if you’d like to read them too.

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