Egg-xtraordinary eggs

Who would have thought a tiny human being could be so fussy when it comes to eating proper meals. My daughter, Azmu, has always been a slow eater and one with an appetite of her own choice. Some days she will lick her plate clean, but on most days needs constant reminder to finish her meal or needs some form of distraction. Soon enough I learned that it is beneficial to feed her small portions of meals at regular intervals that are high in fat and contain a good source of protein and vitamins, in order to make up for her eating habits. And what has worked great for us is a simple plate of hard boiled eggs.

Source of nutrition

Eggs are packed with many health benefits, and including them in your child’s diet can be very nutritious and healthy. To name a few, eggs are an excellent source of protein, high in iron and good cholesterol, help at maintaining a good immune system and also help to keep one’s eye sight in check. Luckily, Azmu enjoys the yellow yolk of her hard boiled egg, which is great, because it contains quite a few essential vitamins, Omega 3 and Lutein.

Our choice of eggs, the Al Jazira Poultry eggs have earned the name ‘Golden Eggs’ for their rich golden yellow yolks. Not only that, this brand also produces eggs with added value, such as DHA Omega 3 eggs, Lutein enriched eggs and eggs produced by hens fed on certified organic feed.

Eating hard boiled eggs doesn’t have to be boring. Here’s a photo showing some of my creative skills being put to the test. What do you think?

Make eggs part of your little one’s diet, not only because they can be cooked quickly in numerous ways; scrambled, poached, fried, deviled etc, but also for the numerous benefits. When it comes to nutrition, they are hard to beat! (See what I just did there?)

Benefits of eating an egg:
  1. Protein: Protein is important in helping the growth of your muscles and other tissues in your body.
  2. Choline: Found in eggs, it is essential for brain development.
  3. Lutein: It helps maintain the health of your eyes and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
  4. Vitamins: Eggs are one of the only foods that naturally conatin Vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune function. Other essential vitamins found in eggs are Vitamins A, E, K and B12
  5. Omega 3: This healthy fat, usually found in fishes, can aid in your child’s cognitive development.

Click here for more nutritional information.

So, there you go. Eggs are a power house when it comes to nutritional value, and so beneficial for the growing children. And if you too have fussy eaters at home, try some innovative ways to serve them to your chid:

–          Scrambled with veggies

–          French Toast or Crepes

–          Egg sandwich

–          Egg salad

Do let me know how are eggs consumed at your home? And if you have any egg-xiting egg recipes for kids’ lunch boxes to share too. If you found this post useful, it would egg-xellent and mean the world to me if you could share it.

You may also enjoy reading my other food related post:

Super Healthy Weight Gain foods for toddlers

All content here, including advice from doctors and other health professionals, should be considered as opinion only. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of your child.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all opinions, views and photos are of my own. The information about the nutritional value of eggs has been researched over the internet.


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