5 things Azmu said this month

If I’m going to have my own blog; my own space to put down my thoughts and keep my memories, it’s inevitable that I do this. A quick short post about the funny and amusing things Azmu has said this month. Currently aged 3 years old and quite the chatter box. A post that I will look forward to reading back after a few years, remembering about these moments. And hopefully one that Azmu will enjoy reading about herself.

So, here goes…

1.When Azmu is ill, even at the sign of a slightest cough, I always apply Baby Vicks on her chest and back. I also apply it on her feet, just before the socks go on. And her response to my actions is: “Mummy, why are you putting Vicks on my feet? Are they going to cough too?”

2. We all have days when an irritating song keeps playing in your head and you can’t seem to get rid of it. For example  ‘Baby Shark’ (I’m sorry :p)

Me: “There’s a song stuck in my head”

Azmu: “Where?” *checking my forehead*

3. A case of Chinese whispers gone wrong:

Me : “Okay, say Bye Papa, have a good flight”

 Azmu : “Bye Papa, have a good life”

4. Azmu knows all about the importance of brushing her teeth after eating candies and chocolates. About yucky deposits in her teeth if she doesn’t brush. I also know she’d rather skip the brushing. Her solution: “Mummy, you should give me white chocolate, so that I don’t have to brush my teeth”

5. Dubai winter isn’t too cruel. You can manage going on with just a jacket. However, when Azmu refuses even that it’s because “Mummy,if I feel cold, I will hug myself.”

Dated : December 2018